Busy Busy Busy!

Uncategorized Dec 28, 2024

This year has flown by and our peak booking period is officially here! 

You may have seen the big influx of holiday adverts on TV and this is because from Boxing day we see a huge increase in customers looking to book a holiday with over 30% of all holidays being booked between now and February. 

Our franchise owners are already seeing the benefits with a big increase in the amount of enquiries and bookings that are coming through and we expect this to continue to grow as we head into January. Typically the first Saturday of January (also known as Sunshine Saturday in the travel industry) is one of the busiest days of the year for customers booking their holiday. 

We are super excited to be supporting our franchise owners during this busy period with increased support and new phone systems and contact methods in place to ensure speedy responses and the best level of support possible. We are also reinvesting into the growth of the support team to further help our franchise owners increase their sales and achieve their goals. 

As a travel franchise we are focused on ensuring we can support our franchise owners to the best of our ability to align with our vision and values

Its never to late to get your business up and running with our quick set up and online training you could sign up now and be ready to trade by the middle of January, meaning that you will be able to take advantage of this crazy time of year!

We are really looking forward to seeing the incredible results of all of our travel agent franchise owners hard work. We have helped them with their marketing strategies throughout December to set them up for success during this vital time of year. 

Good luck to everyone in the industry during 'PEAKS' 


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